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Offices In Colorado Springs, Pueblo, And The Denver Metro Area

Motorcycle accidents are often more severe than car crashes due to the lack of physical protection riders have. Unfortunately, many of these accidents happen because of the recklessness of other drivers on the road.

In Colorado, where scenic routes are abundant, motorcyclists may face an increased risk due to the state’s diverse road conditions and high traffic in certain areas. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable when other drivers fail to exercise caution, leading to severe injuries and, in some cases, fatalities.

While some accidents result from motorcyclists' actions, many crashes occur because of negligent or careless driving by those behind the wheel of cars or trucks. Below, we examine several major factors contributing to motorcycle accidents caused by other drivers.

Distracted Driving

One of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents is distracted driving. Because of the ubiquity of mobile devices and in-car technology, many drivers take their eyes off the road to send a text, make a phone call, or adjust a setting in their vehicle. These distractions can cause a driver to miss seeing a motorcyclist, especially because motorcycles are smaller and less visible than other vehicles.

When drivers engage in distracted behavior, even a moment of inattention can lead to catastrophic consequences. Motorcyclists are particularly at risk in situations where a driver drifts into another lane or fails to notice a motorcycle at an intersection.

Failure to Yield

Drivers who are accustomed to scanning for larger vehicles often overlook motorcycles. This oversight can be deadly at intersections, one of the most common locations for motorcycle accidents. Many of these crashes occur when a driver fails to yield the right of way to an oncoming motorcyclist.

A failure to yield accident with a motorcycle can happen when:

  • A driver turns left at an intersection without seeing the approaching motorcycle.
  • A driver pulls out of a side street or driveway, cutting off a motorcyclist.
  • A driver changes lanes without checking their blind spot.

These situations can be especially dangerous because the motorcyclist often has little time to react, leading to severe collisions. Motorists must take extra care when turning or merging to avoid striking a motorcyclist, and they may be liable if they cause an accident that results in injuries.


Excessive speed is an all-too-common factor in motorcycle accidents. Speeding reduces a driver’s reaction time and makes it more difficult to stop quickly in an emergency. For motorcyclists, this creates a hazardous environment in which they may not avoid a speeding driver.

Drivers who exceed the speed limit often struggle to navigate turns, intersections, and sudden obstacles. Motorcyclists, who are more agile and vulnerable, can be hit or run off the road by a speeding vehicle.

In urban areas or mountain roads in Colorado, where curves and elevation changes are common, the dangers of speeding become even more pronounced. Safe driving requires controlling speed to minimize risks to motorcyclists and other road users.

Reckless Lane Changes

Improper lane changes frequently lead to motorcycle accidents, especially on highways and multi-lane roads. Motorcycles can be harder to see in a car’s blind spot, and a driver who doesn’t check thoroughly before changing lanes may inadvertently cause a serious crash.

Reckless lane changes involve:

  • Failing to signal before moving into another lane.
  • Cutting across multiple lanes at once.
  • Abruptly changing lanes without checking mirrors or blind spots.

When a driver performs a reckless lane change that strikes or runs a motorcyclist off the road, the consequences are often severe. Motorists should always check their mirrors and blind spots carefully before changing lanes, particularly in heavy traffic.

Other Driving Behaviors That Endanger Motorcyclists

There are several other specific behaviors by other drivers that frequently lead to accidents with motorcyclists, including:

  • Tailgating: Following a motorcycle too closely reduces the time a driver has to stop if the motorcyclist needs to brake suddenly.
  • Running red lights: Drivers who run red lights at intersections put motorcyclists in grave danger, as motorcycles are often harder to see in cross-traffic.
  • Driving under the influence: Alcohol and drug impairment significantly reduce a driver's reaction time and judgment, endangering everyone on the road, particularly motorcyclists.
  • Opening car doors in traffic: In urban areas, drivers who park along the street may open their doors into the path of an oncoming motorcyclist, causing an unavoidable collision.

These dangerous actions often result in devastating outcomes for motorcyclists. Drivers should remain cautious and always consider the safety of those on motorcycles to prevent these types of accidents.

Contact Us for Legal Assistance

If you were injured in an accident caused by another driver’s recklessness, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Navigating a personal injury claim can be complex, especially when dealing with insurance companies that may try to minimize your settlement. An experienced attorney can help protect your rights and ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve.

At Clawson & Clawson, LLP, we understand the challenges you face after a serious accident. We are committed to providing personalized legal support tailored to your specific needs.

Contact us today to arrange a consultation and let us help you pursue fair compensation for your injuries.
